November 20, 2018

    How to Keep Up with the Mobile Workforce

    The traditional routine of traveling to work for 9:00 and staying in one location until clocking off time at 5:00 is a rapidly diminishing one. Thanks to the advent and proliferation of connected systems and digital technology, it is becoming less and less necessary for workers to be on-site to complete their daily tasks.

    A recent study found 70% of people around the world now work from home a least once a week, with a little over half spending 3-4 days away from the office. And this doesn’t cover the vast number of workers whose job role naturally keeps them away from a central hub, such as engineers, sales reps, couriers, and more.

    The mobile workforce is truly on the move, and companies will do well to keep up with the trend. Thankfully there are a few ways to achieve this with modern communications technology.

    Feedback on Current Communications

    When transitioning from a static to a mobile workforce, one of the most important steps is to re-evaluate your present communication tools. What is good for one will not necessarily be good for the other, and the best way to establish the suitability of your current infrastructure is to ask the people who use it every day – your staff.

    Find out the pain points they experience with the present communication system. What works well, what doesn’t work, and what would they do to make things better, are all great ways to start conversations around the subject. Workers like to talk about the aspects of their job which stress them out, so it’s likely they are already having these conversations amongst themselves and have come up with some great ideas on how to improve things.

    Cloud-based Communications

    Traditional on-site PBX communications systems keep employees fastened to a location to use them. You can help your workforce become truly mobile with cloud hosted communications systems.

    With a cloud-based communications system there’s no need for old-fashioned landlines and bulky immobile handsets. Wherever your staff have an internet connection they can be online and ready to receive calls. Whether they are taking conference calls on their laptops or checking in with the office from their mobile devices, cloud communications make sure your mobile workforce can always be reached.

    Cloud-based solutions can be up- or downscaled with ease. Because there is little or no physical equipment required beyond computers and mobile devices which your staff likely already have, all that’s required to add or remove extra lines is to contact your service provider and make the necessary adjustments to your plan. Cloud-based communications save time and money and can be ready to go in a matter of moments, wherever there’s an internet connection, with little or no technical expertise required.

    What’s more, cloud-based solutions come with all the features you’d expect from an enterprise level communications system, so there’s no need to sacrifice utility for convenience.

    Final Thoughts

    If you’re looking for an enterprise level cloud-based communications solution to help mobilize your workforce, net2phone has the knowledge and expertise to help you every step of the way.

    Please get in touch today for more information.



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