net2phone - man holding laptop and pointing at screen with graphs

    Real-Time, Customizable, AI-Powered Built-In Call Analytics Software For Deeper Insights

    Use powerful interaction analytics to confidently and proactively make decisions to boost team performance and customer experience.

    CALL ANALYTICS Understand Call Traffic And Make Informed Decisions

    Automatically capture your most important call statistics. Track KPIs such as time to respond or missed calls and spot issues related to resource allocation, staff performance, or inefficient processes. 

    View Statistics Related To:

    • Team members

    • Ring Groups

    • Welcome Menu 

    Included on all UNITE plans.

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    net2phone AI: Accelerate And Deepen Your Data Analysis

    Make data collection and analysis more efficient with the power of AI. Gain meaningful insights to drive your business forward without extensive time, resources, or technical expertise.

    Supercharge Analytics With AI

    Add net2phone AI to UNITE, uContact, or any voice platform supporting API Webhooks

    Call Analytics FAQ

    What features does net2phone call center analytics software offer for enhancing performance?

    Our business communication solutions offer robust built-in analytics to drive performance and efficiency.

    Automatic Call Analytics Capture: Our software automatically captures your call data and statistics, giving insights into call volume, team statistics, ring group calls, and more. This is included in all UNITE plans.

    AI-Powered Analytics: net2phone AI includes tools like sentiment analysis, call transcription, call recordings, auto-generated summaries, auto-generated coaching notes, and advanced analytics. With these features, you can glean insights from large volumes of data quickly and easily. This is an add-on for net2phone UNITE, uContact, or any voice platform that supports API webhooks.

    Wallboards: Customizable wallboards visualize key performance metrics and call center KPIs in real time, allowing you to monitor call queues, agent availability, and service levels effortlessly. You can see both real-time and time series data, allowing you to track performance in the moment and analyze trends over time. This is an add-on for the call center essentials plan.

    What is call tracking analytics?

    Call tracking analytics involves gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data from phone calls made to a business. This information can help gain insight into agent performance, customer behavior, and operational performance. Call tracking analytics involves capturing and analyzing metrics like call volume, call duration, call outcomes, and other statistics. 

    What is the benefit of analytic call tracking for sales and support teams?

    Enhanced Performance Evaluation: You can assess the effectiveness of sales and support agents by analyzing how long it took them to answer the phone call, how long they spent talking, or how many calls they handled in a specific timeframe.

    Real-Time Visibility and Response: Real-time reporting and tools like wallboards give instant visibility into call queues, agent availability, and service levels. This enables managers to prioritize tasks, ensure timely resolution of customer inquiries, and optimize resource allocation.

    Customer Insights: Analytic tools like sentiment analysis help teams gauge emotional tone during interactions. Agents can adapt their approach and provide more empathetic support by understanding customers' feelings, concerns, and satisfaction levels.

    Continuous Improvements and Training: Tools like call recording and transcription enable you to capture and analyze customer conversations for training and quality assurance. By reviewing recorded calls and transcripts, you can identify best practices, coaching opportunities, and areas for improvement in communication skills and product knowledge.

    Actionable Insights at a Glance: Sales and support teams can utilize customizable wallboards and dashboard features to create personalized views of key metrics and performance indicators. By visualizing data and statistics, teams can make informed decisions and track progress toward goals at a glance.

    Targeted Communication Strategies: By identifying keywords, phrases, and topics discussed during calls, teams can uncover insights into customer preferences, needs, and pain points, enabling you to tailor your approach accordingly.
    Optimized Resource Allocation: You can leverage historical call data to forecast future trends and outcomes, helping to anticipate demand, opportunities, and challenges. With data-driven decisions and optimized resource allocation, teams can maximize impact.

    Enhance Overall Customer Experience: By analyzing call data, teams can understand customer behavior more comprehensively and tailor their products, services, and marketing efforts to better meet customer expectations. This leads to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty in the long run.

    Get The Insights To Drive Your Business Forward

    Discover the right analytic tools for your business goals and objectives.


    Speak to one of our communication experts and see how we can help elevate interactions, uncover insights, and drive your business forward.

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