N2P AI Agent (Virtual Agent as a Service)

    Service Restrictions

    • Unused Interaction Credits will expire at the end of the month, regardless of when they are purchased.
    • No overages permitted, meaning that once the Interaction Credits limit for the month is consumed, customer must purchase an additional monthly plan for that month or the N2P AI Agent will no longer function until new Interaction Credits are purchased or until the plan is renewed at the beginning of the next month.
    • Upgrading to a higher cost/more Interaction Credits monthly plan is permitted, even in the middle of the month, and will change your plan to the upgraded plan for the remainder of your service term.
    • Downgrading to a lower cost/less Interaction Credits monthly plan is not permitted, during your service term. 
    • net2phone reserves the right to limit the number of concurrent calls. 
    • net2phone reserves the right  to limit the number of characters in each customer-originated chat message.
    • If customer chooses multi-languages option and one of the selected languages is Premium, then ALL calls are deducted at the Premium Interactions Credits rate.
    • Calls are rounded up to the next full minute (fraction of minute counts as a full minute).
    • Service-term agreement required.

    Trial Subscription

    • Trial Period is the earlier of 30 days or when 5,000 Interaction Credits have been consumed. 
    • See Terms of Service for additional information regarding Trial Period.

    Additional Charges

    • Each additional Bot is $29/month. The purchase of additional Bots does not include additional Interaction Credits.
    • Onboarding and/or Professional Fees may apply, and will be set forth in the applicable quote and/or Statement of Work (SOW). 

    Definitions of Terms

    • Chat Message = A customer originated message, but does not include SMS messages.
    • Interaction Credit = A unit of value that can be applied to a Standard voice minute, Premium voice minute, or Chat Message. The value of each Interaction Credit is set forth in our pricing schedule which can be found here
    • Standard Voice = a voice option identified as “Standard”, selected by you from a list of drop down voices in the N2P AI Agent admin portal. A “Standard” voice is a basic, readily available text-to-speech voice.
    • Premium Voice = a voice option identified as “Premium”, selected by you from a list of drop down voices in the N2P AI Agent admin portal. A "Premium” voice offers higher quality audio, emotional expression, and generally sounds more natural and human-like, with better pronunciation and intonation compared to Standard voices.