
    Media Doc Software Developer Presents a Professional Image & Lowers Its Phone Bills

    MediaDoc liked net2phone Canada’s pricing for toll-free numbers and found its customer service responsiveness to be much better than that of the competition.


    MediaDoc, a web application development company based in Waterloo, Ontario, specializes in the creation of web-based solutions for not-for-profit and health related organizations.


    Offer a more professional image with individual phone extensions and 1-800 numbers to its existing service.


    Before choosing the net2phone Canada service, all MediaDoc employees shared one phone line. “Incoming calls would ring every one of our office phones simultaneously, so it was impossible for our clients to reach a specific employee directly,” recalls Kingston. And, the company’s cross-country clients had to pay long distance charges whenever they called MediaDoc. When MediaDoc learned of the high costs its existing phone provider would charge for employee phone extensions and a 1-800 number, it began looking for an alternative carrier.

    Solution and Results

    net2phone Canada worked hand-in-haWhile researching in-house PBX systems, traditional phone companies and newer VoIP service providers, MediaDoc was referred to net2phone Canada by one of its clients. MediaDoc liked net2phone Canada’s pricing for toll-free numbers and found its customer service responsiveness to be much better than that of the competition.

    After analyzing the various costs and benefits of each option, MediaDoc selected the net2phone Canada hosted business phone service as its new business communications solution. “We learned that with net2phone Canada, we’d be able to get all the features we wanted and actually pay less than what we were paying with our old provider,” Kingston explains. Today, MediaDoc clients can make toll-free calls and leave phone messages for an individual employees voicemail box. MediaDoc is also making use of net2phone Canada’s voicemail-to-email and voicemail transcription feature. “Using net2phone Canada, we’ve lowered our monthly phone bills and more importantly, we’re now presenting a more professional telephone image to new prospects and existing clients,” adds Kingston.

    “net2phone Canada audio and phone quality is excellent and so is their customer support. We get more personalized service with net2phone Canada than we did with the big phone corporations, and their support team is always incredibly friendly and responsive.”

    Stephen Kingston, Lead Developer

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