net2phone Canada is committed to providing a respectful, accessible and inclusive environment for all persons with disabilities in a respectful way. We are committed to providing this environment in a timely manner which considers the person’s disability and embodies the principles of equal opportunity.

    net2phone Canada is committed to becoming a barrier free environment and meeting the requirements of all existing legislation and its own policies and goals related to identifying, removing and preventing barriers to people with disabilities that might interfere with their ability to interact with net2phone Canada.

    net2phone Canada ensures that all people in our community are aware of their rights and responsibilities to foster an accessible and inclusive environment with and for persons with disabilities.

    net2phone Canada is committed to and will strive to ensure that the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), 2005, its regulations, standards and all other relevant legislation concerning accessibility are strictly observed in a timely fashion.

    Accessibility Policy


    We are committed to training all required employees in Ontario’s accessibility laws and aspects of the Ontario Human Rights Code that relate to persons with disabilities as it relates to their specific roles.

    Information and communications

    We will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that consider their disability. When asked, we will provide information about our organization and its services, including public safety information, in accessible formats or with communication supports.

    As part of our 2020 branding revamp, we plan to meet internationally-recognized Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level A and AA website requirements in accordance with Ontario’s accessibility laws.


    We will notify employees, potential hires and the public that accommodations can be made during the recruitment and hiring process and reflect this in our company policies.

    We will notify employees that supports are available for those with disabilities. We will put in place a process to develop individual accommodation plans for employees when needed.

    If needed, we will also provide customized emergency information to help an employee with a disability during an emergency.

    Our performance management and career development processes will consider the accessibility needs of all employees and accommodate accessibility requests.

    Accessibility Plan

    This accessibility plan implemented on December 2, 2019 outlines the policies and actions that net2phone Canada will put in place to improve opportunities for people with disabilities. In accordance with the requirements set out in AODA’s Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulations (the “IASRs”), net2phone Canada will:

    • Establish, review and update this plan when necessary in consultation with persons with disabilities;
    • Post this plan on our corporate website;
    • Report, as required, on the appropriate corporate websites on the progress of the implementation of this plan;
    • Upon request, provide this plan in an accessible format, and
    • Review and update this plan at least once every five (5) years.

    ACA and AODA Accessibility plan

    Download our 2024-2027 Accessibility plan

    This Accessibility Plan has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the Accessible Canada Act (S.C. 2019, c. 10) and its regulations (ACA). This plan applies to Versature Communications o/a net2phone Canada, further referred to as “net2phone Canada”.

    net2phone Canada has a process for receiving and responding to feedback, including feedback on the delivery of services to persons with disabilities.

    Our Accessibility Plan and details of our accessibility feedback process are available in alternate formats such as print, large print, braille, audio, electronic format, or other agreed-upon formats.

    Customers, team members, business partners and members of the public can provide accessibility feedback (including feedback on this plan) or request an alternate format of our Accessibility Plan or feedback process description as outlined below. Feedback can also be submitted anonymously.

    Accessibility Standards for Customer Service

    net2phone Canada is committed to excellence in serving all customers, including persons with disabilities, and is committed to delivering an accessible customer service experience that respects the dignity of persons with disabilities. This commitment will be integrated wherever possible to ensure that persons with disabilities will benefit from the same services as other customers.

    The following actions will be taken by net2phone Canada:

    • Ensuring employees are trained and familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by customers with disabilities who are accessing net2phone Canada’s services.
    • Ensuring completion of accessibility training is tracked and recorded.
    • Providing fully-accessible online chat service to customers, offering to communicate with customers through our online channels if telephone communication is not suitable to their needs.
    • Provide customers with prompt notification of any disruption to our services or facilities. Depending on the nature of the disruption, net2phone Canada will also use other accessible communication channels, such as messages on the appropriate corporate websites and recorded messages customers can listen to when they call our customer service number.
    • Welcoming customer feedback to improve the accessibility of products and services through multiple communication channels.
      • Feedback on accessibility can be sent to Kristina Martin ( or 1-888-508-2749).
        • Any information relayed will be kept anonymous at the customer's request.
        • All personal information will remain private and confidential.
    • Add information on website to communicate its accessible customer service policies.

    Workplace Emergency Response Information

    Where net2phone Canada is aware that an employee has a disability and that there is a need for accommodation, individualized workplace emergency response information will be provided to the employee as soon as possible if such information is necessary given the nature of the employee’s disability.

    The following measures will be implemented by net2phone Canada:

    • Workplace Emergency Response Information forms will be prepared for employees who disclose a disability and who require accommodation according to their disabilities.
    • Where required, net2phone Canada will provide assistance to specific disabled employees, with the disabled employees’ prior consent, to help them evacuate the workplace in case of an emergency or disaster.
    • On an ongoing and regular basis, and as per the applicable terms of the IASRs, net2phone Canada will review and assess general workplace emergency response procedures and individualized emergency plans to ensure accessibility issues are addressed.


    net2phone Canada will provide training to employees on Ontario’s accessibility laws and on the Ontario Human Rights Code as it relates to people with disabilities. Training will be provided in a way that best suits the duties of the employees.

    net2phone Canada will take the following steps to ensure employees are provided with the training needed to meet Ontario’s accessibility laws:

    • Determine and ensure that appropriate training on the requirements of the IASRs and on the Ontario Human Rights Code as it pertains to persons with disabilities, is provided to employees.
    • Incorporate the training into the employee orientation process for new employees and take steps to ensure that the training is provided to existing employees.
    • Keep and maintain a record of the training provided, including the dates that the training was provided and the number of individuals to whom it was provided.
    • Ensure that training is provided and updated, on an ongoing basis, as it relates to any policies that have been revised pursuant to AODA.

    Information and Communication Standards

    net2phone Canada is committed to meeting the communication needs of people with disabilities. net2phone Canada has and will continue to incorporate new accessibility requirements under the information and communication standards to ensure that its information and communication systems are accessible and are provided in accessible formats that meet the needs of people with disabilities.

    net2phone Canada will ensure that customer feedback processes allow for multiple types of communication such as email, telephone, or regular mail.

    net2phone Canada will ensure that existing and new processes for receiving and responding to feedback are accessible to persons with disabilities by providing or arranging for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports, upon request and in a timely manner.

    Accessible Websites and Web content - Planned Action

    net2phone Canada will take the following steps to make all websites and content conform with WCAG 2.0, Level A by January 1, 2021:

    • All new websites are assessed and evaluated for accessibility to ensure conformance with WCAG 2.0 Level A.
    • Adoption of internal standards to ensure the public websites are more accessible (i.e., have moved away from non-W3C formats (World Wide Web Compliant) to more flexible Internet rich media in the website implementations).
    • AODA compliance will be included as one of the criteria in selecting technology vendors for new website development initiatives.

    net2phone Canada will take the following steps to make all websites and content conform with WCAG 2.0, Level AA by January 1, 2021:

    • Ensure development of its platform for public websites and information technology infrastructure meet AODA Information and Communication Standards and that partnering vendors have necessary expertise with such technology.
    • Outline roles and responsibilities in web content and development policies regarding content compliance for new intranet sites.
    • Foster collaboration between internal departments to ensure communications and other public documents and media are readily available in alternate accessible formats.
    • Conduct accessibility reviews of all web sites prior to launch.
    • Expand corporate awareness of requirements for compliance with Information and Communication Standards of AODA.


    net2phone Canada is committed to fair and accessible employment practices across all stages of the employment cycle. net2phone Canada is committed to creating an inclusive environment where all employees and clients feel like they belong. We encourage applicants with a wide range of abilities and we provide an accessible candidate experience.

    Accommodations are available on request for candidates taking part in all aspects of the selection process.