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    Make Smarter Decisions Contact Center Analytics and Reports

    With uContact's complete and customizable set of contact center reporting and analytics tools, turn insight into action and achieve every goal you set.

    Improve Operational Decision-Making Gain a competitive edge by making data-driven decisions based on current and historical information.
    Maximize Agent Performance Empower agents to reach their potential by assessing performance and identifying growth opportunities.
    Elevate Customer Experience Identify client needs and preferences with comprehensive insights and deliver amazing service.

    Always Up-To-Date On Performance

    Experience the power of real-time data. You can track performance and make quick decisions to steer your contact center toward success. Get a clear view of agent availability, call volumes, wrap-up times, and more!


    Unlock The Power of Business Data 

    Transform the way you make decisions. With 300+ visual and easy-to-interpret preset reports, it's easy to make data-driven decisions that drive your business forward. 


    • Omnichannel Reports: Statistics from all channels. 
    • Historical Reporting: Access historical reports. 
    • Schedule Reports: Choose a date and time.
    • Survey Reports:  Get results of satisfaction surveys. 
    • Standard Reports: 300+ preset reports. 
    • Customizable Reports: Create your own. 
    • Report Export: Choose your format (PDF, XLS, CSV).
    uContact - workflowmgmt

    Take Proactive Steps 

    Quickly identify and tackle potential issues before they arise. You’ll be notified when key metrics hit a certain threshold, so you can take immediate action to keep operations running smoothly.  

    Set up alerts related to:

    • Call volume
    • Average wait time
    • Average handle time
    • First call resolution rate
    • Customer satisfaction score
    • and more. 
    Graphical alerts

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    Uncover Powerful Insights From Your Contact Center Data

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    Explore uContact Contact Center

    Voice Interactions Get advanced capabilities for high-quality interactions.
    Omnichannel Manage all of your digital channels from a single tab.
    Automation Create automated workflows and simplify tasks.
    Agent Management Tools to maximize agent potential and performance.


    Contact center analytics allow organizations to collect and interpret data from across the contact center to make better decisions. Analytics can generate insights into key performance metrics, agent performance, customer trends, etc. Actionable insights can transform customer experience and your call center operations.

    Man working on screen with reports and analytics

    Tracking Different Types Of Contact Center Analytics

    Analytics and reporting provide plenty of data to help you make strategic decisions. Different types of analytics can provide valuable insights into different parts of your contact center. Some common types include:

    Interactions Analytics Gain insight into the interactions between customers and agents. Metrics include call duration, number of interactions, nature of interactions and more. Interaction analytics can uncover trends to help you better serve your customers.
    Speech Analytics Uses AI and natural language processing to analyze conversations between agents and callers. By analyzing sentiment, keywords and topics, you can uncover opportunities for improvement. It also allows you to offer greater personalization and faster resolutions.
    Customer Analytics Analyze customer demographics, purchasing behaviour, and interactions to better understand your customer's behaviours. Create personalized experiences, optimize campaigns, and update products and services based on this valuable information.
    Predictive Analytics Analyzing current and historical data about your contact center and agent performance can help you predict future outcomes. Predicting high call volumes, for instance, can prompt you to add staff or adjust workflows proactively. You can avoid long wait times and better manage agent workload.
    Business Intelligence Allows contact centers to compile and analyze data to make smarter business decisions. Business intelligence allows you to assess call center performance while taking into account customer data and market trends. With this information, you can run a more effective contact center that meets customer needs and expectations.
    Text Analytics Analyze text-based interactions on channels such as social media, SMS, email, or chat. Identify trends in topics discussed, customer issues, and keywords. Improve your processes based on this insight.
    Self-Service Analytics You can reduce agent workload and improve satisfaction by offering self-service options via chatbots or interactive voice response (IVR). Using self-service analytics, you can determine how effective your self-service options are. Measure success rates, satisfaction and more.

    What To Measure With Contact Center Analytics

    Use contact center analytics to track, measure, and take action on your key performance indicators(KPIs). By doing so, you'll be able to maximize your contact center's efficiency. Traditional KPIs that you may track with contact center analytics include:

    Wait Time

    See how long callers wait in a queue before their call is connected to an agent. You can identify bottlenecks and take steps to reduce wait times, improve customer call experience and reduce churn.

    Call Abandonment Rate

    Measures how many customers hang up before their call is answered. A high call abandonment rate can indicate lost sales and low customer satisfaction. Tracking this metric allows you to identify and address problems such as insufficient staff or long handle times.

    Average Handle Time

    Determines your agents' average time on a call. This includes time on hold and time spent on post-interaction activities. You will gain critical insight into agent performance and call center efficiency. Whether you need to improve processes, provide more training, or take other measures will become clear.

    Hold Time

    Determine the time customers spend on hold during a call. High hold times can affect customer satisfaction and call abandonment rates. If hold times are consistently high, you may need to improve staffing or provide agents with more tools, resources, or training.

    Call Abandonment Rate

    Measure and track the number of calls transferred to another agent or department. Too many call transfers can indicate low customer satisfaction or poor call handling. Use this metric to offer more training or change processes.

    Customer Satisfaction

    Keep a pulse on whether your support agents meet customers’ expectations and needs. Customer satisfaction directly indicates retention, brand reputation and repeat business. Tracking this metric will enable you to identify issues and take action.

    First Call Resolution

    The percentage of queries resolved in the first contact or touchpoint with an agent. First-call resolutions will impact customer satisfaction, reduce call volumes and increase overall efficiencies.

    Transfer Rate

    Measure and track the number of calls transferred to another agent or department. Too many call transfers can indicate low customer satisfaction or poor call handling. Use this metric to offer more training or change processes.


    Improve Customer Interactions

    Customer satisfaction is critical to any business, and contact center analytics solutions can help you improve interactions. For example, analytics can help you to measure customer experience by identifying the reasons behind common customer pain points, such as long wait times or having to repeat their queries.

    By understanding these issues, you can take corrective action to increase customer lifetime value. You may need to add more agents during peak times, automate repetitive tasks, or provide more training.

    Happy man on phone and laptop

    Boost Agent Performance

    Your contact center's success depends on your agents' ability to perform effectively and provide helpful service. With contact center analytics, you can see where agents are performing well and where they need to improve. For example, analytics can help you identify agents who handle phone calls quickly and call center agents who have trouble resolving issues promptly.

    These insights can signal the need for additional training, coaching or tools. With these solutions, you can improve agent performance and make them more confident in their roles.

    Agent on screen explaining

    Make Real-Time Data-Driven Decisions

    One of the most significant advantages of contact center analytics is making real-time data-driven decisions. Analytics can help you spot patterns in customer interactions and agent performance.

    For instance, analytics can signal call volume spikes during certain hours of the day, week, or month. This information allows you to optimize staffing levels or adjust call routing accordingly. These actions can result in lower costs and increased efficiency.

    Person looking at data on laptop and smartphone

    Unlock Sales Opportunities  

    Contact center analytics can help your business identify more sales opportunities and increase revenue. It can help you identify patterns in customer behaviour that indicate the likelihood of making a purchase.

    For example, analytics can reveal that customers frequently purchase related products when they inquire about a particular product. This can indicate a valuable sales opportunity.  

    You can train agents to suggest additional products during the call and increase the likelihood of cross-selling and upselling. You can consider offering promotions or discounts to incentivize the purchase further. 

    Man in call center giving thumbs up

    How To Use Contact Center Analytics To Improve Customer Experience

    Identify Customer Needs Analyzing call transcripts and interactions can help you identify trends in questions, issues raised, or preferences. You can update your products, service, and support to meet those needs.
    Optimize Call Routing Understand call patterns and improve call routing to deliver a better caller experience. Route inbound calls based on language, location, priority or other parameters. This ensures that your callers receive the quickest, most efficient service levels.
    Act-On Customer Feedback Analytics and reporting tools allow your contact center to collect customer service feedback and gather valuable information. You can use this information to redesign processes and practices.
    Coach Agents for Better Service Access agents' KPIs, activity and overall performance. With this information, call center supervisors can identify areas for coaching and improvement and, in turn, better serve customers.


    Real-Time Dashboards

    Real-time dashboards are necessary for today’s fast-paced contact center environments. Having up-to-date performance information allows you to make quick and smart decisions.

    Real-time dashboards provide up-to-date information on key performance indicators like call volumes, wait times, handle times and more.

    With current performance data at your fingertips, you can spot areas where performance is slipping and act accordingly.

    When call volumes are higher than usual, for example, you can allocate additional resources to ensure customers aren't left waiting on hold too long. With real-time visibility, you can address issues before they negatively impact your operations and customer satisfaction.


    Reporting Tools

    When running a contact center, having accurate and comprehensive reports is essential. This will help you identify long-term trends in your performance. Reports and analytics tools can help you improve your operations and customer satisfaction.

    Choose a contact center solution with built-in or customizable reports. This lets you gather data from multiple sources and uncover critical insights, patterns and trends. You can identify where your contact center is performing well and where it could benefit from improvement.

    For instance, you might discover that certain types of calls take longer to resolve. Using this information, you can better decide how and when to schedule agents or where they need additional training.

    Reporting Tools


    Integrations are an essential part of any modern contact center. They help streamline all your tools and provide easier access to your data for informed decision-making.

    Connect your contact center analytics software with existing tools, such as your CRM or helpdesk software. This will allow you to combine all data in one location and gain a comprehensive view of operations.

    Integrations can help eliminate manual tasks such as data entry. This allows agents to focus on providing higher value services to customers. Integrations are also critical in helping you provide personalized service by giving you access to customer data from your other systems.

    Integrations with your CRM, for instance, allow agents to view a customer's purchase history, preferences, and other relevant information during a call. 


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